Click on the banner on the home page that says: “Enter to win a free autographed book”, provide your email address, and I will send you a powerful e-book: 10 ways to live your dream life, starting today!

FREE GIFTS for when you buy my new peak potential book TODAY THROUGH Monday, JUNE 4, 2012:

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Order now through Monday, June 4, 2012, at amazon.

If you already ordered, this applies to you as well!


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Thank you for helping me do something I love, and share my experiences and expertise with you, and others! May you, too, live the life you want, and be true to yourself as you realize your potential!




1.     Pre-order giveaways now through June 4th

2.     Be the first 30 to contact me with your receipt, when you purchase   3 or more: receive a free QLink ($100 value)

Order 1 copy:

1.  Receive my book, plus 1 free gift of 10 steps on how to live your dream life.

2.  15 minute free phone energy work session with Medical Intuitive and Coach, Patricia Zapatka, to help you clear your energy and be on your path.

Order 3 copies:

 In addition to the books, you will receive the above, PLUS: 

       FREE QLINK FOR FIRST 30 PEOPLE: For the first 30 people who email me with their book order of 3 or more books, I will also give you a free QLink, worn by over 300 golf professionals. Value, worth $100.        

         Free 15 minute phone consult with Olympic Coach, Strength and Conditioning Specialist, and former Stanford Coach, Ross Gerry

             Free autographed picture of Trina making the Olympic Team. Great shot of me with hand in the air, YES!

    15 minute free phone consult with Feng Shui Practitioner, Susan, who can help guide you to enhance your space that naturally supports you and your goals in your life.

Order 5 copies:

All of the above, PLUS:

1.    Free smoothie recipes

2.    15 minute phone consult with Olympic Swimmer, Health and Peak Potential Expert, and therapist, Katrina Radke

Order 10 copies:

  All of the above, PLUS:

  1. All 10 books personally signed by me. YES!!! 10 autographed pictures of me, mailed to address of your choice.

  2. Instead of 15 minute phone calls, 30 minutes each! With Olympic Coach, Olympic Swimmer, Feng Shui Practitioner, and Medical Intuitive!

Order 20 copies:

All of the above, PLUS: 

1. QLink (value $100)

Order 50 copies:

 All of the above, PLUS:

 Receive one set of our 7 Ultimate Fitness DVDS!! A MUST HAVE For overall health and fitness.

 Yes, 50 copies is a lot, but what you can gain in learning from having consistent coaching is worth it! You have a mind, energy, and physical expert here for YOU!

 Also, if you work at a corporation, often times the company will support a wonderful gift, such as this health and peak potential book, to enhance the well-being of all co-workers.

 If you want to get a group of people together to buy the books, all of you can join in on call together!


Please REVIEW my book on AMAZON

I would love a good review, but mainly want your honest opinion of what you liked (or didn’t) in my book. This really helps book buyers get books into stores and other places, so that we all may continue to inspire others to be on their path. Thank you for your help on this!

Please be true to yourself, and do what you love. Feel free to email me with your inspirational stories.



P.S. If you are someone who wants to partner with me/offer free services, do let me know. I will review and potentially include you in future offerings!

Free consulting appointments based on availability.





Simple Random Quotes

"If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other." ~Mother Theresa

Katrina's Endorements

“Katrina’s transformational book helps you find your true self as you listen within, discover your calling, and commit to fully living it.”

-Jeffrey M. Schwartz, M.D., Best Selling Author, The Mind and The Brain, Leading Expert: Neuroplasticity, Mindful Awareness, OCD


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